Jan 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Collin College Catalog 
2024-2025 Collin College Catalog

Course Types and Course Numbering System

Understanding Course Types and Course Numbering at Collin College

Types of Courses Offered by Collin College:

Collin College offers four types of courses that are defined below:

  • Academic Transfer courses are freshman and sophomore level courses intended to be transferred toward a bachelor’s degree (i.e. BA or BS degrees) at four-year colleges or universities in traditional academic disciplines. Additionally, academic transfer courses serve as Core Curriculum/General Education courses in all of Collin College’s degree programs.
  • Workforce courses are freshman and sophomore level courses intended to train graduates for employment in specific fields/disciplines upon graduation from Collin College. While these courses may apply toward applied baccalaureate degrees (i.e. BAS, BAT, BAAS, BSN, etc. degrees) at two- and four-year colleges and universities they generally do not transfer into or apply toward a BA or BS degree in traditional academic disciplines at four-year institutions of higher education. Some programs may have transfer or articulation agreements in place to facilitate transfer of workforce courses; however, students should check with an academic advisor or transfer institution for more information. 
  • Upper Division courses are junior or senior level workforce courses in applied baccalaureate (e.g. BAS, BAT, BSN) degrees offered by Collin College.
  • Developmental courses are pre-college level courses that do not apply to an associate or baccalaureate degree and do not transfer to a four-year college or university.
  • Continuing Education courses may apply toward training or meet licensure/certification requirements for professional development, but they do not earn college credit and, as a result, generally do not apply toward associate degrees, baccalaureate degrees, and related certificates.  Some continuing education courses may qualify for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) opportunities in specific departments. Students should reference the PLA section of this catalog and talk with their academic department for additional information.

Course Numbering System:

Course rubrics and numbers contain useful information. In the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) each course is identified by a four-character “rubric” (i.e. discipline abbreviation) and a 4-digit number.  The rubric is always four upper-case alphabetic characters; and the course number is a four digit number that denotes additional information as explained below:

Rubric 1st Digit 2nd Digit 3rd and 4th Digits
The rubric is a four character alphabetic Indicator of the academic discipline of the course.

The 1st digit indicates the level of the course:

0 = Pre-College Level

1 = Freshman Level

2 = Sophomore Level

3 = Junior Level

4 = Senior Level

The second digit indicates the amount of credit (in semester credit hours, SCHs) awarded upon successful completion of the course.

The third and fourth digits are used to uniquely identify thesequence of courses that are taught under a specific course rubric.

Consider the course “ACCT 2301.” This label indicates an accounting course, taught at the sophomore level, granting 3 SCH’s upon successful completion, and is an early course in the sequence of courses offered under the ACCT rubric.

Course numbers beginning with a 0 include developmental education courses, English as a Second Language courses, and related pre-college level courses that prepare students to be successful in college-level coursework. These courses do not award college-level credit, and therefore do not award credit toward college degrees or other awards, nor do they transfer.

Course numbers beginning with a value of 1 or higher are considered college-level credit courses. Completion of a college level credit course with a grade of “D” or higher will earn college credit.

Earned Course Credit Hours

Credit hours are earned upon successful completion of college credit courses. Each degree, certificate or award requires the completion of a specific number of SCHs. The second digit in a course number indicates the number of credit hours earned upon successful completion of the course.